Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre - Toddler 2
2 to 3 years
Our Toddler 2 room can have 20 children per day, and follows a one educator to 4 children ratio. The room is a cosy, homely environment that encourages children to become increasingly involved in activities and experiences that foster a love of learning. The Toddler 2 children are involved in a range of age-appropriate experiences such as art, music, movement and storytelling, that aide development and encourage children to grow at their own pace.
Our room leader provides an educational program that focuses on encouraging independence, and the development of language, self-expression and fundamental social skills. The room leader will provide children with resources and activities according to what they have observed, what the children have shown interest in and/or suggestions from families. Our programming is designed to support all areas of learning and development, both indoors and outdoors. When we explore and play in our yard, we are engaging with the environment and actively learning about sustainability.
The room’s flexible routine encourages a range of small and large group activities as well as areas that support co-operative and solitary play. As the children build friendships with their peers, educators will guide them through appropriate social behaviours and skills. Each day, every child will be able to engage with educators in meaningful, open interactions that support the acquisition of skills for life and learning.
The Toddler 2 room allows adequate space and facilities for your 2-3 year old's development, including an easy-to-access bathroom for toileting and plenty of areas for indoor physical activity. There is also a lot of focus on children’s self-help skills, as well as constant support for your child’s language and self-expression.
Our room leader plans, documents and evaluates in accordance with each child’s interests to ensure that children will have ample opportunities to learn problem-solving, self-help and social skills through experiences. Our programs are equally focused on outdoor play and the children spend extended periods of time exploring, engaging with and learning in an outdoor space that features both built and natural elements.
The Toddler 2 room at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre
The Toddler 2 room at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre
The Toddler 2 room at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre
The Toddler 2 room at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre
The Toddler 2 room at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre
The Toddler 2 playground at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre
A child in the Toddler 2 playground at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre
Children in the Toddler 2 playground at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre
A child in the Toddler 2 playground at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre
Children in the Toddler 2 playground at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre

Children in the Toddler 2 playground at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre

Children in the Toddler 2 playground at Wheelers Hill Child Care Centre